Garden of Life

The Garden of Life, a garden for spiritual life beautifying and enhancing Community Presbyterian Church building and grounds, began to be planned in 2006.

The Garden of Life has four distinct areas:  Peace, a place for contemplation; Joy, a place for children to play and plant; Love, a place for weddings and large group gatherings; and Hope, an area whose purpose is under development.

The Garden of Life now includes 25+ perennial flowering plants.  The garden beds throughout the property include another dozen perennials plus lilac and rose bushes and grasses. Blooming tulips, hyacinths, daffodils and crocus bulbs planted by the Sunday School children are prominent in the springtime.

In the fall of 2008, a pergola was added to the Love area.  A path and pergola floor were installed in the spring of 2009.

The center circle features a metal flower bouquet and Garden of Life sign. It was designed, built and installed in 2008 by Rochester sculptor Cheryl Fitzgerald.

  • Come Join Us

    3705 Fairway Place NW, Rochester, MN

    Onsite and Online Worship 9:30 AM each Sunday with Communion on the first Sunday of the month.

    Worship is held outdoors once a month in the summertime.

    CPC is looking for a pianist!  Check out the job description here!

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