What qualities make a good leader? Governor Joko Widodo of Jakarta, Indonesia, knows as “Mr. Fixit,” visits his constituents daily in slums not unlike the one where he grew up, encouraging them to share their ideas about how to fix problems and improve city services. He’s easy to spot in his trademark red-and-blue madras shirt, which he chose in order to set himself apart from typical officials. “People are tired of the same old thing over and over,” he said. Many grab his hands and lay them on their foreheads to show their respect.
Joko’s style of leadership might remind some of Pope Francis, who eschews elegant papal residences and fancy limos in favor of a simple apartment and a used car or public transportation. The governor of Jakarta prefers taking his own car or a motorbike taxi instead of a motorcade, often used by wealthy, powerful, entrenched, elite politicians. Even cynics have to admire what some describe as “Joko’s fundamental decency” that is fueled by empathy for others.
We will discuss Joko’s approach to his leadership role, and lessons we could take with our approach to our congregational mission. Is our approach to ministry primarily passive (following the Field of Dreams model that says “If we build it, they will come”) or active (you go to where the people are)? Do you agree with this statement: Far too often, “church” becomes something of a “club” to which people come, not a place from which people go out to minister to, or even just converse with, check in with, share with others in the community? The PowerPoint for this week can be found here.