All Saints Sunday this week!

You are invited to join CPC for worship with communion at 9:30 am on Sunday morning – onsite or online (using Google Meet, see the links below). The bulletin can be found by clicking here or by clicking on the picture of the bulletin. If you are joining us online, please have a cracker or some bread and some juice available for communion.

On Sunday November 3rd, we remember those dear to us who guided us in faith and preceded us in death, as well as any other who have passed from this life. For example, we may also remember hurricane victims or others who perished in the world. The worship service, including communion, will reflect our deep gratitude for God’s promise of the resurrection and the eternal life that is ours in Christ.

All who wish to do so may bring a memorial candle to be placed on a central table and lit from the Christ candle prior to the service. During Joys and Concerns, we will have a chance to share the names of those specially remembered in this way.

Congregational Meeting next Sunday, November 10th, after worship to vote on the 2025 Slate of Elders, Deacons and Leaders.

Online and Online Worship with Communion
Sunday, November 3 · 9:30 – 10:30am
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 575-305-4527‬ PIN: ‪652 821 468‬#

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  • Come Join Us

    3705 Fairway Place NW, Rochester, MN

    Onsite and Online Worship 9:30 AM each Sunday with Communion on the first Sunday of the month.

    Worship is held outdoors once a month in the summertime.

    CPC is looking for a pianist!  Check out the job description here!

    An easy way to make a donation to church is through Paypal. Please click the Paypal graphic below! Please be aware Paypal charges a 2.9% + $.30 to use donate this way.