“How very good and pleasant it is when sisters and brothers live together in unity!” – Psalm 133
At Community Presbyterian Church, we are an authentic community where Christian faith can be nourished and lived out in relationship with others. We invite all to come “just as you are” as we join together in discovering who it is that God is calling us to be. In saying we are “open minded,” we mean that we are not afraid of the questions…and we are willing to admit that we do not have all the answers. By “open hearted” we mean that God’s love compels us to look outward, toward the needs of our neighbors and of the world. We would love to have you join us on this journey of faith.
Community Presbyterian Church is a proud member of the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA). We were founded by a group of Rochesterites who were committed to building a church based on the simple idea that Christians should be “open-hearted, open-minded.” We’re located in northwest Rochester, on Fairway Place, just across from Sam’s Club.
We worship on Sunday mornings:
- 9:30 am: Worship Service (Onsite and Online)
What’s involved in a worship service at CPC?
We sing hymns, accompanied by a wonderful pianist and the occasional flute or trumpet. Our service always includes:
- Traditional style of worship
- Scripture readings and a sermon
- Reflection during a musical interlude provided by our choir or our intergenerational bell choir, but sometimes a musical guest
- Joys & Concerns, a time for anyone to ask for prayers of any kind
Communion is served on the first Sunday of every month and is offered to everyone.
Our Mission Statement
Our mission is to be an open hearted, open minded Christian community, sharing a ministry of
faith, hope, and love.
We are strongly rooted in the principles first modeled by Jesus Christ. Based on this foundation, “Open Hearted, Open Minded” continues to be our guiding message. We welcome people of diverse lifestyles, perspectives and abilities. Ministry of faith means sharing God’s message by embracing and supporting all in time of need or joy. We believe strongly in the value of prayer and strive to provide opportunities for all to grow in their faith journey. We affirm the need for a broad education and worship experience for all ages. Our mission extends beyond our congregation to those in our immediate community and throughout the world. Mission means personally sharing time, talent, and finances as well as advocating for those in need.
What do we do besides go to church on Sunday?
CPC is a vibrant community that believes in having fun while doing God’s work. Check out the rest of our website to learn more: