Sunday, January 17, 2016

Join us for worship this Sunday!

It is a joyful day when we ordain and install officers to serve Christ through serving this congregation. At our 9:30 am worship service, we will ordain and install our church officers:

Deacons: Carol Bigelow, Jennifer Hall and Judy Leal.
Elders: Dave Copeland, Ivy Pillers and Ellen Warner.

Special Thanks
Many thanks to Mary Meyer who answered God’s call and gave her time, talents, and leadership to Community Presbyterian Church over the last three years. Thank you!

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  • Come Join Us

    3705 Fairway Place NW, Rochester, MN

    Onsite and Online Worship 9:30 AM each Sunday with Communion on the first Sunday of the month.

    Worship is held outdoors once a month in the summertime.

    CPC is looking for a pianist!  Check out the job description here!

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