Please join CPC for worship this Sunday – onsite or online (using Google Meet, see the links below) Sunday at 9:30 am. The bulletin can be found by clicking here or by clicking on the picture of the bulletin. Stay after worship on Sunday (either online or onsite) for the Book Discussion Group!
Online vs. onsite worship participation: Given the rapid spread of the Omicron variant, for the safety of all, Session encourages people to attend virtually when possible, and especially if you are at high risk or physically vulnerable. For the foreseeable future, a small worship team (pastor/speaker, liturgist, musician/s, and choir) will be present to lead worship, which will be livestreamed as usual. All who wish to attend onsite will be welcomed, but are expected to be vaccinated, to be effectively masked, and to maintain appropriate distance. We are one in Spirit wherever we may be!
The link for worship is: Join with Google Meet or Join by phone +1 575-305-4527 PIN: 652 821 468#