Please join CPC for worship at 9:30 am on Sunday morning – onsite or online (using Google Meet, see the links below). The bulletin can be found by clicking here or by clicking on the picture of the bulletin. All are welcome! Following worship, the book discussion group will meet to discuss The Big Finish by Brooke Fossey.
Onsite and Online Worship
Sunday, March 17 · 9:30 – 10:30am
Video call link:
Or dial: (US) +1 575-305-4527 PIN: 652 821 468#
Coming up at CPC:
Thursday, March 28 is Maundy Thursday. You are invited to a Lenten Soup Supper at 6 pm. Following the meal (about 6:30 pm), there will be a unique and meaningful Maundy Thursday Worship Service. This creative liturgy invites you to walk “the way of sorrows” to the cross, but alongside and through the eyes and experiences of one of Jesus’ closest disciples, Peter.